Friday, March 23, 2012

Kiwi duet

Thanks to Cathy's suggestion, I can bring you the kiwi duet mentioned in the last blog. Here goes...

The photo is one of a female kiwi that I took when I went on Bravo Adventures Kiwi Spotting tour in February 2010. The evening guided tour cruises down to Little Glory Cove with a wee night tramp through the bush to Ocean Beach. Kiwi come down to beach and feed on the sandhoppers under the kelp piled up on the sand.

I had another kiwi sighting on 19 March 2012, this one a lot closer to home as it was on my driveway. I've had a weka hanging around and went out just after 10pm to move him away from my vege garden. I swung the torch around and there was a kiwi wandering along my drive!!

I don't want to disturb the kiwi around my house but love seeing their footprints in the mud puddles. It's lovely knowing that they are out there and I have visions of setting up an amplifier and night vision camera so that I can watch without disturbing!!

What a magic place to live :)