Sunday, September 25, 2011

Sunshine and snow

Up early this morning, drew back the curtains and was surprised with a snowy deck! I hadn't lit the fire last night as it was warm inside after a sunny afternoon and although the temperature had dropped overnight, it certainly didn't seem cold enough for snow. I'm sure my veges would have an easier life if I had a tunnel house!

I was on Ulva Island duties again this weekend - the second poison bait drop happened last Tuesday and the tracks need to be checked for baits which may have dropped from the canopy overnight. This morning I caught the water taxi at Golden Bay at 8.30am, walking very carefully on the icy jetty, and walked the tracks to Boulder Beach and West End Beach. The weather ranged from sleety rain to hot sunshine meaning I was warm in my 3 layers of clothing for the rain and hankering for a t-shirt when the sun shone! Here's some pics of this beautiful jewel which will hopefully be rat-free again from now on.

Ulva Island signpost
West End Beach - Mt Rakeahua (with a snowy top) is
in the background

Post Office Cove
Can you see the bodies/faces in these rocks?

Ulva Island has lots of birdlife and lovely native bush - check these out...

Native spider orchid
Kaka demolishing a branch

Flowering rata
Plenty of surprises still from my new home - tell you more about it soon.